
Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Neighborhood Bible Club

      You’re invited to join us for Neighborhood Bible Club, July 17-19.  This is always a great event for the children and we expect this year to be no different. We look forward to the games, prizes, crafts,  skits, songs, and Bible stories that will be shared with all who attend.  Once again, we’ll be having the Bible club at the corner of Henry Clay Ave and 6th St, behind the Animal Shelter, in Covington.
Also, this year we are adding an awards night on Friday night.  This will be at Canaan Baptist Church in Covington.  Many of the children work so hard during the week memorizing verses, inviting friends, and participating and we want to make an extra special night where we can honor them for their hard work. Friday night will be the time to do that. The awards night will be a family friendly time together, we’ll grill hot dogs, have chips and drinks, games for the kids, and a bouncy house.  Please make plans to join us, not just during the week for Neghborhood Bible Club, but also on Friday night for the Awards night.
We look forward to seeing your child at Neighborhood BIble Club this year. If you would like, you may register them online.  This will save you some time the first night of NBC.  If you have any questions, you may contact Pastor Campbell at or 985.635.2319.  We look forward to seeing you real soon.

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Back To School Youth Rally

Once again this year, Liberty Baptist Church and Canaan Baptist Church are joining together to host this Back to School Youth Rally. The Rally will be Saturday, August 4, beginning at 4:00 pm.  We are excited to have as our guest speaker Pastor Caleb Martin, pastor of Ben’s Ford Baptist Church in Bogalusa, LA. Pastor Martin is a tremendous preacher that has a heart for preaching to young people.  I am glad to call him my friend.  I know that the preaching of the Word of God will be a blessing to your youth. We’ll have special singing from some local youth groups as well.  There will also be games and fun activities to get things started.  Liberty Baptist Church will be serving supper after the service for all in attendance.

Please make your plans to join us for this great time of fellowship. We have a wonderful meeting last year and would love to see God do even greater things this year.  If you are planning to come, please let us know so that we can be fully prepared for the meal. You may email Bro Campbell at  If you have any questions, feel free to contact Bro Sistrunk or Bro Campbell.  We look forward to seeing you in August.

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New Post Coming Soon

After quite a bit of time away from the blog, I have decided it is time to start it up again.  I hope to have a new post up sometime today.  I hope that the Lord will allow me to be a help and encouragement to those who read the blog.  Life is full of fun stories and helpful thoughts, maybe we can help one another along the way.

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Neighborhood Bible Club

Last night we finished Neighborhood Bible Club.  Although it was hot, we had a great few days.  On Monday night, we had 16 kids in attendance.  Tuesday night was our high night with 23 and we finished on Wednesday with 22.  We had 5 children make professions of faith.  Praise the Lord.  It was an awesome thing to see our church family get involved this week.  We could not have made it without everyone’s help.
  We also want to thank Berean Baptist Church for sending a group down to help us.  They worked very hard and we’re a great help.
   What a blessing to be able to serve the Lord through reaching children with the Gospel.

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When God Says No

First of all, I did not realize that it had been so long since I posted on the blog.  Wow, time surely flies. I will try to do better keeping the blog updated.

This past Sunday we spent the entire day considering the thought, When God Says No.  Many times we accept No as a negative.  How many people do you know that have become disappointed and bitter with God because God said no to them at some point in their prayer life.  We act as if God is obligated to give us everything we ever ask.

Sunday morning, we considered how we should react When God Says No.  We looked at the example of our Lord Jesus Christ.  Jesus prayed in Matthew 26:39 O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt. Of course, we know that God said no to that request, there was no other way.  There was no other way for mankind to be redeemed except Christ partake of that bitter cup.  But the reaction of Christ is our example, nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt.  When God Says No, may we determine not to get bitter nor disappointed, but to put God’s will above our own desires.  Put His ways first.

Sunday evening, we considered why God says no.  Many times, it’s because He has something far better for us than what we’re asking for.  In II Corinthians 12, Paul asked for physical healing.  God said no.  Then God told Paul He had something better, His grace.  2 Corinthians 12:9  And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.  Paul responded that he would rather live in affliction and have the grace and power of Christ than to have health.  God says no often because He wants us to depend on Him.

It was a great day at Canaan.  I believe the Lord helped us through His Word.  Now, we look forward to Wednesday night and our study through the book of Philippians.  We’ve been having a great study on Wednesday nights.  If you’re anywhere close, come by and see us.  We’d love to have you.

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Sunday Update

January 10, 2011 2 comments

We had a great day at church yesterday. It was cold and rainy, but the church was warm and friendly. We were missing several people yesterday morning due to travels and sickness, but we still had 13 in attendance. What a blessing. I preached from Matthew 14, where the disciples found themselves in the midst of one of the greatest storms they ever faced. Do you realize, it’s possible to obey the Lord, to be right where the Lord instructs you to be, and yet still face storms. Hard times come to each and everyone of us. Storms are simply a part of life. However, it’s encouraging to know, when you’re facing those storms, the Lord knows exactly where you are. He came walking to those disciples in the midst of their storm. Jesus came walking on the sea. No matter what you’re facing today, no matter how big it seems to be to you, it’s not too big for the Lord. He’s got it all under control. What an encouraging thought. Hope you had a great day in the Lord’s house yesterday. I thank God for what He’s doing here at Canaan Baptist Church in Covington, LA.

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Joy? Is it still possible?

With all the bad news in the world today, many people may be wondering if it is still possible to have joy. Is there anything worth rejoicing over? According to the Bible, the answer is a resounding yes! You can have joy even in the midst of a difficult situation.

Tonight at Canaan, we’ll begin a brand new verse-by-verse study from the Book of Philippians that I have entitled Rejoice! In times like these, we need to be reminded that we who have trusted Christ as our Savior have much to rejoice over. We look forward to seeing you this evening at 7:00 pm if you’re in the area for our BIble study.

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A Place to Grow

One of my goals for 2011 is to use my blog more. It is a great tool to use to stay accountable and to help others stay informed about what is going on at the church. I am truly excited about the church. I believe there are great days in the future for our church.

This past Sunday was a good day. We are averaging 15 people on Sunday mornings. This past Sunday evening, I introduced our church theme for this year. A place to grow. I think this will be a great theme, as it is our desire to see growth at Canaan Baptist Church. I want to see the attendance grow, of course, but I also want to see those of us that are there now grow. I want to grow in my personal relationship with my Lord. Each month we’ll have a different area of our lives that we will focus on. The first Sunday evening of each month will be a time I call Church Challenge. It’s when we will look at those areas and how we can grow in those areas from the Bible. It’s a year long series. It’s going to be good and I am excited about it.

For the month of January, we considered the thought, A place to grow…in faith. We looked at the man with the demon possessed boy in Mark 9. I found it interesting while studying, the man approached Jesus to ask for help. When he approached the Lord, he said but if thou canst do any thing, have compassion on us, and help us. Notice the word if. If you can help Lord. The man had little faith. Notice then, how Jesus responded. If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth. Jesus responded to the man by letting him know the question was not with the Lord’s power or ability. It was with the man’s faith.

How many things do we miss out on simply because we don’t believe the Lord is able? How many problems do we face because of our lack of faith? I need to grow in faith. The man responded to Jesus by saying, Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief. I believe he was saying, Lord, I believe you can heal my son. However, there are other areas where I have trouble believing. Help me with the unbelief that is still in my heart.

I can say the same. Lord, I believe, I trust you in so many areas. However, there are still areas where I need to trust you more. Lord, I believe, help thou mine unbelief.

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An Unpopular Appointment

That no man should be moved by these afflictions: for yourselves know that we are appointed thereunto. 1 Thessalonians 3:3

A thought jumped out at me this morning as I read these verses, Paul recognizes here that he is appointed to suffer for the cause of Christ. The latter part of this verse says so, for yourselvs know that we are appointed thereunto. Thereunto what? The answer, these afflictions. Paul understood his appointment was to suffer for Christ sake. He had no problem with that. He acknowledged that, he accepted that. He was willing to suffer for His Lord.

In a day of comfort, am I? We are living in a time of comfort. We have the most comfortable world we have ever had. We have new luxuries and gadgets, all designed to make us comfort. And it’s carried over to our Christian walk. We have so watered down Christianity in an effort to be a more comfortable Christian.

Now mind you, I’m not saying I want to suffer. But I must search my heart and ask, would I? Would I be willing to suffer? Would I accept it as my appointment, something that was required of me, or would I complain and make accusation against God? My God give us all the steadfastness of Paul, willing to accept our appointment, even when it is an unpopular one like afflictions.

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Can I Be Trusted?

1 Thessalonians 2:4 But as we were allowed of God to be put in trust with the gospel, even so we speak;

As I was reading this morning these words jumped out at me. I asked myself, can I be trusted with the Gospel? You see, God when He gave me the Gospel, gave me a very precious treasure. It is a treasure that exceeds all value of any earthly possession. The assurance of knowing one has a home in heaven throughout eternity is worth far more than gold. Thank God that I have that assurance, but what am I doing with it? Have I hid it in a closet somewhere? Have I buried it? By doing so, I have in turn diminished its value.

This treasure only has true value when it is shared. God has trusted me with the Gospel. What am I doing with it? Have I proven myself trustworthy?

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